Nativity-Wise Man Melchior-King Of Arabia Offering Gold - Religious.
Nativity - Stable With Hook - Religious
Nativity-Wise Man Balthazar-King Of Ethiopia Offering Myrrh(White) - Nativity
Nativity - Wise Man With Frankincense (White) - Nativity
Annunciation By Ima Naroditskaya - Virgin Mary + Gabriel - Nativity By Ima Sculpture
Nativity - Donkey, Cow, Shepherd - Religious
Nativity - Baby Jesus, Maryand Joseph With Lamb
Nativity-Wise Man Balthazar-King Of Ethiopia Offering Myrrh - Religious.
Nativity-Joseph(White) - Religious.
Nativity-Joseph - Religious.
Nativity-Wise Man Caspar-King Of Tarsus Offering Frankincense(White) - Religious.
Nativity-Wise Man Caspar-King Of Tarsus Offering Frankincense - Religious.
Nativity - Wise Man With Myrrh (Glazed) - Religious.
Nativity - Shepherd (White) - Religious.
Nativity - Joseph (White) - Religious.
Nativity - Wise Man With Gold (White)
Nativity- Baby Jesus, Mary And Joseph (Light Color) - Religious
Nativity - Cow (White) - Religious
Nativity - Baby Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Angel And Lamb - Religious
Nativity-Wise Man Melchior-King Of Arabia Offering Gold(White) - Religious. Sculpture
Nativity By Ima Naroditskaya - Ox + Sheep + Donkey - Religious Sculpture
These elegant sculptures carefully and accurately depict the life of Jesus, the Christ. Realistically carved and sculpted with absolute finishes showing the life of Jesus, the Christ.